My Eyes!

James Lileks proves that Nokia has earned a place in the Industrial Design Hall of Shame for their latest phone creation, one of the most ungodly ugly designs I’ve ever seen for a cellphone. I used to love Nokia phones, but now most of the models they have are unspeakably ugly.

Of course, the phone I loved the most, the LG VX3100, a nice, no-frills, and compact phone is no longer available, to be replaced by an uglier and more expensive version with a color screen. (Hint: I don’t want a freakin’ color screen. I don’t want a camera. I don’t want a bunch of games. I want to make phone calls and keep numbers, and that’s it. The VX3100 did exactly what I wanted and did it well.

Oh well, I guess I’ll stick with my 2001-era backup phone a little while longer…

5 thoughts on “My Eyes!

  1. I’m a gadget hound, and so right now I like the Treo 600…it’s a nice combo of phone and PDA…

    Most such phones are basically a PDA with phone capability built in, which makes them hard to carry around like a cell phone…but the Treo has a very nice design that makes it more like a phone with a usable PDA…

  2. Now, I’m just curious when I can get camera, phone, world-wide web, e-mail, and MP3’s all in one handy getup, ala the gargoyle suits of “Snow Crash”… I don’t care if I look like a freak wearing it, I could make a bundle on e-bay as a goyl’…

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