It appears that Michael Moore has said no mas to the GOP convention and will be writing his column from elsewhere.
I have a feeling that the contrast between John McCain, a man for whom the word “hero” barely scratches the surface, and Michael Moore, a corpulent windbag who represents the basest instincts of the anti-American left will be very clear to the American public. John McCain called Michael Moore out, and Moore ran away rather than face the criticism of people who are sick and tired of his constant slurs, innuendo, and propaganda.
The man who was tortured for his country and refused an early release to avoid hurting the morale of his fellow prisoners and a “man” who makes a living out of slandering our soldiers even as they fight a war against an enemy that stands for tyranny and oppression. It doesn’t get more black and white than that.
No wonder Michael Moore ran away. I’d like to believe it was due to shame, but that’s assuming that he has any left.
Being that whatever the fat one writes will be a pre-digested eructation of his fevered lefty mind, why does he have to be there? He can write fiction from anywhere.
I would have agreed McCain was a hero until he stood up for the re-election of the man who slandered him in 2000.
I don’t know what it takes to turn a man like McCain into a noserag, to debase himself through fawning praise of the clan we watched disseminate disgusting slanders against an American hero, and I’m not sure I want to know.
But I do know one thing. That kind of corruption can’t be allowed to govern from the White House. If McCain is still a hero, it’s because he’s opened my eyes to the true nature of the men who handle our President. Two more months!
Moore is just another liberal bully…and all liberal bullies are cowards.
For all the badgering of Bush to denounce the Swift Vets, it’s funny the media doesn’t ask Kerry to denounce Michael Moore.
After all, Moore’s done far worse than the Swift Vets, even going so far as to compare terrorists to our Minuteman during the Revolutionary War, and stating that American deaths in Iraq are justly deserved. His movie also makes our soldiers in Iraq look bad…like just a bunch of war crazed yahoos.
His movie also makes our soldiers in Iraq look bad…like just a bunch of war crazed yahoos.
Oh? Did you get in to see it, yet?
From the linked article: “Ann Coulter tired of our editing suggestions and she quit,” Paulson added. “We are just a newspaper trying to be balanced day in and day out.”
It’ll be interesting to see if they will be as “balanced” in their editing suggestions for Moore’s writing, or if his articles are left untouched.
“We are just a newspaper trying to be balanced day in and day out.â€
When did it become more important for the media to be “balanced” than “factual”?
Hrm, do you think the blame lies with the news channel that advertises itself not as true and factual but “fair and balanced”?
Michael Moore’s biggest secret?
Bill W