Judge Moore Vs. Cthulhu

This has to be the funniest take on the Ten Commandments standoff that I’ve yet seen.

For the record, I think Judge Moore is behaving like a moron here. Yes, our country was influenced by the Judeo-Christian tradition, but it wasn’t founded on it. Our laws don’t come from the Bible, they come from Congress and the Constitution. Judge Moore’s comments show that he believes that you have to believe in the Judeo-Christian tradition to uphold the law in this country, and that simply isn’t true.

Judge Moore has an obligation to the Constitution of the United States, an obligation he entered into freely. If he doesn’t like the law, then he should step aside and work to change it. Until then, he has no right to defy the laws of his state or of this country, no matter what his personal feelings.

Of course, the opponents of the monument aren’t blameless either. They’ve transformed this into a major polarizing issue, which is only going to divide this country. The monument is hardly such a great infringement of people’s rights that it’s worth going to such expense and controversy to see it removed.

Lileks Is Back!

James Lileks, the best writer in the blogosphere is finally back and Bleating with observatives on Arnold, gay bishops, and more. As always, he has some very astute points to make:

He makes a very interesting comment on the Bishop Gene Robertson, the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church. He notes something that was curiously missing from the debate:

This story has irritated me from the start, and it has nothing to do with Rev. Robinson’s sexual orientation. The guy left his wife and kids to go do the hokey-pokey with someone else: that’s what it’s all about, at least for me. Marriages founder for a variety of reasons, and ofttimes they’re valid reasons, sad and inescapable. But "I want to have sex with other people" is not a valid reason for depriving two little girls of a daddy who lives with them, gets up at night when they’re sick, kisses them in the morning when they wake. There’s a word for people who leave their children because they don’t want to have sex with Mommy anymore: selfish. I’m not a praying man, but I cannot possibly imagine asking God if that would be okay. Send them another Dad, okay? Until you do I’ll keep my cellphone on 24/7, I promise.

If Bishop Robertson were straight, this would be a scandal. But because he decided to become one of the Oppressed Minorities(tm) he’s getting a free pass on it. There is a double standard there, but it isn’t based on sexual orientation.

I’m with Lileks on this, I don’t dislike Rev. Robertson because he’s gay. I dislike him because he put himself above his obligations to his family. Being gay may not be a reason to boot him, but putting himself over the most important vocation in life certainly is.

BloGTK Nearing Release

This post is being written with my new blog client for Linux (or any OS that supports Python and GTK) called, appropriately enough, BloGTK. The current version will allow users to post Movable Type entries from Linux without needing to open a new web browser. So far it supports Unicode text entry, cut and paste, and other nifty functions. It’s a bit on the crude side right now, but now that I know what I’m doing it should be easier to add new features. This is only the second standalone blog client for Linux, the first being Eliot Landrum’s exaro blog client.

Look for more information on BloGTK coming very soon, including the release of the first version.

UPDATE: BloGTK Version 0.1 is released!

UPDATE: The official BloGTK web site can be found here.