Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Drudge is posting some very strong numbers for Kerry in early exit polls – first of all, early exit polls are worthless – they’re mainly weighted towards urban areas where Kerry runs strongest. The fact that this is leaking is probably due to Democratic efforts to suppress Republican turnout. Don’t let that happen – get out that vote!.

These numbers don’t mean a thing. Exit polls at this point are absolutely worthless and the massively pro-Kerry numbers don’t even remotely match reality. Anyone who thinks this portends anything is a fool – just get out and vote.

The Mystery Pollster has more on why these early exit polls don’t mean a thing. If I had to guess, I’d say that these numbers are probably being leaked by the Democrats to reduce GOP turnout.

Thune To Appeal Court Ruling

The Thune campaign is planning to appeal last night’s ruling in Charles Mix county based on Daschle’s arguments that GOP poll-watchers were intimidating Native American voters. Given that Daschle essentially lost the bid to exclude GOP poll-watchers and Judge Piersol’s order only applies to one county, I’m not sure I see how advantageous a move this would be. However, given that Judge Piersol is a Democratic partisan and an avid supporter of Tom Daschle, the ruling could well be thrown out – not that it would matter by now.

Based on what I’ve been seeing, Daschle is hoping that it’s close enough in Minnehaha and Lincoln counties that the reservation vote could tip the balance as it did in 2002. However, from what I’m seeing, I think Daschle’s maneuvers will have cost him votes, and the race won’t be that close by the time the reservation vote comes into play. Daschle’s clearly becoming increasingly desperate, not only through his lawsuit, but his challenge of absentee ballots in the Rapid City area. I smell a convincing Thune win here – and Daschle’s dirty campaign tactics are only alienating voters even more.

Mellman Predicts Bush Win?

I don’t get The Hill but it looks like Kerry pollster Mark Mellman is predicting a Kerry defeat in today’s issue:

“We simply do not defeat an incumbent president in wartime.”

The quote above is from Mark Mellman. Mark is a Democratic pollster. And he’s very partisan. And he’s been working for Kerry this year.

But Mark is no fool and he has a reputation to maintain.

He explains his reasoning at some length in a column in The Hill this morning. He predicts that Bush will get 51.6% of the two-party vote.

By contrast, Jay Cost is predicting Bush will get less than that: 48.63% to Kerry’s 46.24%.

I didn’t believe it at first, but here’s Mellman’s article. I think his reasoning is dead-on, and that’s why I concur in his prediction of a Bush win tonight.

Tracking Polls Show Movement For Bush

If the latest round of tracking polls is an indication, Bush should have a win tonight. CBS has Bush up by 2 against Kerry. Rasmussen has Bush breaking the 50% mark against Kerry. The Battleground Poll (my favorite from 2000 and a very well-done poll) has Bush ahead by 4. The GOP Terrance Group has Bush projected to win with 51.2% of the vote. TIPP also has Bush breaking 50%.

If these polls are correct in showing a last-minute surge for the President, this is very good news for today – we could be looking at Bush getting a small majority for the first time in a long time. Not since 1988 has a President recieved an outright electoral majority.

UPDATE: In absentee and early voting, President Bush goes into the race with a narrow lead in Ohio.

What Pennsylvania and Ohio. If PA goes red, Kerry is sunk. If Ohio stays in the Bush column, and so does Florida, Bush is very likely to get reelected. As I’ve said before, this election will largely come down to 5 states and 11 electoral votes – and I’d give the President a very strong chance at pulling that off.

Remember, get those Republicans to the polls. We can win this, and if it isn’t close the Democratic attempts at cheating won’t be enough to swing this election…

SD Polling Update

I just got back from voting, and the streets of Sioux Falls are packed. Even at 8 in the morning, there are lines at the polls. It’s looking like turnout will be high.

Nothing of note in regards to procedures. I was asked for ID, as was everyone else. The entrance to the polling place was festooned with various campaign signs, as is every available spot of lawn in the city. With luck, voting across the state will be so efficient…